// ==UserScript== // @name TW(NL) Farmen uit de berichten // @namespace c1b1.de // @version 0.2.20100322 // @include http://nl*.tribalwars.nl/game.php?*screen=report*view=* // @include http://nl*.tribalwars.nl/game.php?*screen=place*mode=command*insertU=* // ==/UserScript== //modded by Lekensteyn: autoinsert coords became forbidden // ds.spying2Form.user.js // screenshot: http://c1b1se.c1.funpic.de/newhp_userscripts_screens/ds.spying2Form_0.png // Translated by BeNnOo. /* DS aus Berichten farmen (c) by C1B1SE info@c1b1.de http://c1b1.de You may change string values if it's necessary for your language area. Do not republish, use in other scripts, change or reproduce this code nor a part of this code without permission from C1B1SE. This script may be forbidden in some language areas. Please look in the respective forum for further information! I won't take responsibility. */ // Standardeinheit: var show = 'light'; var units = eval({ 'spear':[25,'graphic/unit/unit_spear.png','Speervechter'], 'sword':[15,'graphic/unit/unit_sword.png','Zwaardvechter'], 'axe':[10,'graphic/unit/unit_axe.png','Bijlstrijder'], 'archer':[10,'graphic/unit/unit_archer.png','Boogschutter'], 'light':[80,'graphic/unit/unit_light.png','Lichte cavalerie'], 'marcher':[50,'graphic/unit/unit_marcher.png','Bereden boogschutters'], 'heavy':[50,'graphic/unit/unit_heavy.png','Zware cavalerie'] }); if(document.location.href.indexOf('screen=report') != -1) { var opera = window.opera?true:false; var spying = findByInner(document,'Spionage'); var table = getNextElement(spying[0],'table'); var ct = document.location.href.split('village')[1].split('&')[0].substr(1); var village = findByInner(table.parentNode,'Doel:')[0].nextSibling.firstChild.innerHTML.match(/(\(\d{1,3}\|\d{1,3}\))/g)[0].split('|'); village[0] = village[0].substr(1); village[1] = village[1].substr(0,village[1].length - 1); // is spying report: if(table) { var res = grabText(table.getElementsByTagName('tr')[0].firstChild.nextSibling,1).split(' '); res = parseInt(res[0]) + parseInt(res[1]) + parseInt(res[2]); requiredUs(show); }; } else { var parameter = document.location.href.split('=').pop().split(','); findByAttr(document,'name',parameter[1])[0].value = parameter[0]; } function requiredUs(u) { var walks = Math.ceil(res / units[u][0]); var img = new Image(); with(img) { src = units[u][1]; alt = ''; } var span = document.createElement('span'); with(span) { appendChild(document.createTextNode('In totaal '+Math.floor(res/1000) + '.' + res.toString(10).substr(-3)+' grondstoffen, minimum ' + walks + ' ')); appendChild(img); appendChild(document.createTextNode(' nodig ')); } var select = document.createElement('select'); if(!opera) select.setAttribute('size',2); else select.setAttribute('size',1); select.setAttribute('style','vertical-align:middle; '); select.addEventListener('change',function() {requiredUs(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value)},false); for(var attr in units) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.setAttribute('value',attr); if(attr == u) option.setAttribute('selected','selected'); if(!opera) { var img = new Image(); img.src = units[attr][1]; img.alt = units[attr][2]; option.appendChild(img); } else { option.appendChild(document.createTextNode(units[attr][2])); } select.appendChild(option); } var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('href','game.php?village='+ct+'&screen=place&mode=command&insertU='+walks+','+u); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Invoegen')); var close = new Image(); with(close) { src = 'http://www.c1b1.de/close.png'; alt = 'Close'; title = 'Close'; addEventListener('click',function() {document.getElementById('farm_script_table').parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById('farm_script_table')); },false); } var ta = document.createElement('table'); ta.setAttribute('id','farm_script_table'); ta.setAttribute('style','border: 1px solid #DED3B9'); ta.setAttribute('width','100%'); var th = document.createElement('th'); th.setAttribute('style','white-space:nowrap; vertical-align:middle; '); th.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Farmen:')); th.appendChild(close); var td = document.createElement('td'); td.setAttribute('colspan',3); td.appendChild(span); td.appendChild(a); td.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); td.appendChild(select); var tr = document.createElement('tr'); tr.appendChild(th); tr.appendChild(td); ta.appendChild(tr); if(document.getElementById('farm_script_table')) { document.getElementById('farm_script_table').parentNode.replaceChild(ta,document.getElementById('farm_script_table')); } else { table.parentNode.insertBefore(ta,table.nextSibling); table.parentNode.insertBefore(document.createElement('br'),table.nextSibling); } } function getNextElement(obj,tname) { tname = tname.toLowerCase(); obj = obj.nextSibling; while(true) { if(!obj) return false; if(!obj.tagName) obj = obj.nextSibling; else if(obj.tagName.toLowerCase() == tname) return obj; 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